Things My Clients No Longer Think Are Normal

In my work with my clients, whether it’s a Reiki session or coaching session, we cover a lot.

For instance, with some clients we work through how to communicate their needs regarding s3x so they can orgasm with their partner, while the next day we’re back to talking about childhood wounds. With some clients we’re doing meditations to connect to their higher self and their own intuitive wisdom, and other days we’re going deep into the details of their romantic relationship dynamics to understand why they keep finding themselves in the same patterns over and over again.

So here are 3 examples of things my clients no longer think are normal, thanks to the healing work we’ve done together:

1. Changing who they are to fit what someone else wants
2. Doing everything themselves all the time
3. Living in fear of how their partner will react to things

Are you, too, tired of the same cycles and patterns showing up but can’t quite seem to break them? Welcome.  

This is why I want to show you so you can start truly realizing and understanding what’s possible vs. what you THINK is acceptable/“normal”/possible based on your experiences, conditioning, environments and wounds.  

Because let’s be real ...  

You’re changing who you are to fit what someone else likes so they’ll like you learned at some point what other people want is more important than your needs and that who you are isn’t good enough. Who you are IS good enough. You do not need to contort yourself or hide parts of yourself to receive love.

You’re doing everything on your own (and are probably EXHAUSTED) because you learned you can’t rely on other people or that it’s unsafe to ask for help for fear of being disappointed or looking weak or stupid. But people who truly love you want to be there for you and it’s so important to ask for support because it builds connection and community is natural and powerful.

You’re living in fear of how your partner will react to things, walking on eggshells, but are still in this relationship because this is probably what you learned is normal love growing up. You learned this is the level of love you get. You’re still in survival mode, not realizing that this is not healthy and that healthier relationships or ways of showing up in a relationship (like open, honest, vulnerable communication) are 100% possible. You may just not have the tools yet.

So if you’re ready to finally say F this!!!! then set up your free 30-minute consultation call to chat about where you’re at, what you need and if my transformative 1:1 program can help you finally break free ❤️✨ 


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