Reiki Sessions

If you’ve landed on this page you likely have an internal longing for wholeness, more balance, more aliveness. I want that for you, too.

Emotions, trauma, stress - they are energy. This energy gets stored in our bodies if/when you did not have the tools or safety to process and release them.

You’ve had to contort yourself, adapt and cope in ways that allowed you to simply survive through difficult experiences. These ways of being may have served you then, but how are they impacting you now?

It is my mission to create that safe space for you to begin releasing that which is weighing you down, that which is disconnecting you from your most authentic, vibrant self.

A Reiki session with me

  • 1. Reiki Energy Healing

    The Reiki energy goes where it’s needed and is never harmful, so throughout the session I will be guided to the areas of your body that need Reiki. I personally am guided by my intuition, the energy I feel from your body as well as physical sensations within my own body.

    For instance, in a virtual session, as I came to a woman’s sacral chakra (reproductive organs), my own stomach began mildly hurting. That meant this area needed attention. After the session I explained this situation to the client and she confirmed that, just a week prior, a doctor had told her that because of hormone issues she would not be able to have any more children. With Reiki we can begin bringing more balance to that area.

  • 2. Intuitive Connection & Guidance

    While the Reiki healing energy is flowing to you, I may also receive intuitive information that needs to come through for you.

    I have received information about clients’ painful sexual traumas, relationship insights, blocks such as fears of speaking their voice/needs, and more.

    What comes up is what is meant to come up for your healing and well-being, but we will go at your pace.

  • 3. Coaching & Recommendations

    After the session concludes, we will talk through what we both experienced and I will provide recommendations on how to integrate your experience in the coming days.

    *For more in-depth coaching, you’ll want to schedule a 1:1 coaching session.

  • "Shannon's healing energy is like none other. She is one of the most intuitive and soulful people I know. She beautifully combines knowledge and intuitive feelings within her healing sessions."

    — Sue C.

  • "I have always classified myself as an open-minded skeptic; I don’t know what I believe but my mind itches to explore. And yet, I never expected what I experienced in my reiki session with Shannon. She has a very calming essence that’s almost ethereal. She makes you feel safe and comforted..."

    — Elizabeth S.


  • Reiki is a powerful Japanese technique used to promote stress reduction, relaxation and healing. Sessions can be done virtually or in-person. Both options are equally as potent and beneficial. Your experience with Reiki will be dependent on your needs, current situation, what you’re available to receive and handle at that moment, what needs to be released, etc. Clients report (both during and after their session) emotional, energetic, physical and/or spiritual experiences and release.

  • Yes, as a new client you can choose the “First Time Client - Virtual Reiki Session” below for $95. As noted, the session will be held virtually via Zoom.

  • Most sessions I do are virtual so you can book a session from anywhere in the world.

    All new clients can book the New Client Virtual Reiki Session offer at a discounted price of $95.

    In-person sessions are offered in Carlsbad Village.

  • In-person sessions are held in Carlsbad Village.

  • Absolutely. Most of my sessions are done virtually and clients have very powerful experiences both during and after the session.

    We are all energetic beings. Energy is energy, it does not need to move from point A to point B in the way our physical bodies do.

    Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt a heaviness? That’s energy. Have you ever met someone you instantly clicked with and felt safe around? That’s energy. Has an opportunity been presented to you and, even though scary, you instantly knew in your gut it was right for you? That’s energy. Has someone called you and you knew something was wrong before you answered? That’s energy.

  • A session is 1 hour.

    On average, in the first 40-50 minutes of a session I’ll be going through your body sending the Reiki healing energy, with the last 10-20 minutes being reserved for discussion and recommendations for integration.

  • As with anything, the more consistent you are, the greater results you will experience. Everyone’s needs are different and unique. Some clients come once a week, bi-weekly or monthly. Others come on an as-needed basis. The minimum time recommended in between sessions is usually one week. This allows for integration from each session. There can of course be exceptions to this, so if you have any questions on your particular situation, feel free to email me.

  • During a session you will lay down, get comfortable and close your eyes. I will walk you through some breathwork as you set your intention for the session. After the breathwork I will turn on relaxing music and begin. Once complete, I will gently guide you to open your eyes, come back into the present moment and we will discuss what we each experienced.

  • You may experience emotional or physical symptoms after a session - or maybe not. Either is perfectly fine! If you do experience symptoms, know this is your body releasing what it needs to, so it is a good thing.

    It’s important to allow yourself to rest, drink lots of water and listen to what your body truly needs.

  • First time client session: $95

    1 hour virtual session: $115

    1 hour in-person session: $135

    You can click the Reiki package option below to save money per session.

    *Virtual and in-person sessions are equally as effective. In-person sessions are slightly more only to cover the cost of a rental space.

  • I do not make claims or guarantees that Reiki will cure you of any presenting issues you’re experiencing. Reiki is not a substitute for professional medical care.

    Reiki can be a helpful supplemental healing modality. Clients have had profound experiences, depending on what they needed in that moment. The more you continue with Reiki, the more changes you may see over time.

My journey to Reiki

One day I woke up and felt guided to begin meditating more deeply and consistently. And just like that, with the flip of a switch, I began meditating every single day for 1-2 hours each day. I did this for months. It was during that time that my right palm began physically heating up. Initially this just happened during meditation, but very quickly after it would happen throughout the day, as well. There didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason as to when it would happen or why.

After some research, further meditation and consulting my own mentors, I took this cue from my body and decided to become certified in Reiki. Since Reiki energy flows through the hands, it seemed like a natural fit to connect with the healing energy that was clearly trying to come through me.

I had no idea it would be as powerful as it is…

Looking to gift someone a Reiki healing session? Purchase a gift card here.

Looking for something else? You can purchase the package, group and animal Reiki options below and I’ll be in touch within 48 hours to set it up.


Reiki Package Options
from $315.00
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Animal Reiki - 30 minutes (Virtual or In-Person)
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Group Reiki Session (Virtual)
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