
  • Locational Astrology Map

    Locational Astrology Readings

    Astrocartography, also known as Relocation Astrology or Locational Astrology, is the astrology of place. It helps us to learn where our best places are based on our natal birth chart as well as planetary lines, paran lines and relocated charts. It can show you where you might like to travel in the world to enliven something specific, the best places you may find love, what areas in the world are best for your career success, and so much more.

  • Reiki

    Reiki is a powerful Japanese technique used to promote stress reduction, relaxation and healing. Sessions can be done virtually or in-person. Both options are equally as potent and beneficial. Your experience with Reiki will be dependent on your needs, current situation, what you’re available to receive and handle at that moment, what needs to be released, etc. Clients report (both during and after their session) emotional, energetic, physical and/or spiritual experiences and release.

  • On-Demand, Recorded Reiki Sessions

    Order a 30-minute on-demand, pre-recorded Reiki session and receive the recording within 8 hours, and access to the session for one week! Choose the focus that best aligns with the healing support you need at this time.

  • Personalized 1:1 Program

    This 3-month program includes Reiki, personalized coaching, continued check-ins, special gifts and more.

    Just like any therapeutic work, a one-time session isn’t going to bring you the depths of change you need and desire. Committing yourself to 3 months together allows that process to unfold while having someone (me) hold space for you to explore all parts of yourself, pain, healing, etc.

  • Core Wound Coaching

    I believe that we all have wounds that developed within us, and/or have been inherited, that then dictate our lives today. This keeps us stuck in pain, fear, overthinking, difficult relationships, unhealthy patterns and more. Some people may not be conscious of these wounds. Others may have some awareness but struggle to make the connection as to how that then impacts them today.

    I am passionate about using a holistic approach to help people connect those dots and begin healing these wounds in practical, real ways. To then be able to actively create and live their lives, instead of fighting against life from this wounded, unconscious place.

  • Couples Coaching

    Through couples coaching with me, you’ll not only learn to break free from your unhealthy relationship patterns and learn how to connect with one another again through effective communication and vulnerability, but we’ll also work through healing your individual core wounds. This is what sets you up for lasting, sustainable progress and change. This is what allows you to grow together, rather than fighting against one another.

  • Company Wellness Programs

    Be a leader in health and wellness for your employees by offering Reiki, workshops and guided meditations.

  • Inner child healing journal prompt packages

    Journal Prompt Packages

    These downloadable PDF journal prompt packages are for journaling newbies and seasoned writers alike. You will write from one journal prompt each day for 21 days to help you become consistent in your self-exploration. Having a specific topic to work through is incredibly powerful in diving deeper into your healing.