My Terrible Experience with Astrocartography

I had my first ever astrocartography reading on July 2nd, 2023. It was bad. I knew it in the moment because the energy felt all over the place, I knew it right after as I realized I was more confused than ever, but I knew it even more nine days later when I had an absolutely amazing session with a different astrologist.

For all of my Human Design lovers out there, my profile is a 1/3. The 3 line is alllll about learning from experiences, getting things “wrong” so you know firsthand what feels right. Combine that with my 1 line that’s all about diving deep into topics to learn as much as possible and become an expert, it’s safe to say I do not recommend things lightly. I speak of and practice things from a place of gained knowledge and lived wisdom. I always aim to be a genuine, honest, trusted resource for my clients and community.

So, this experience was of course no different.

But before we continue on about this relocation astrology reading, let me give you some backstory…

I was born and raised in Chicago, living there my entire life. But, around age 29 (hello, Saturn return), I kept getting those subtle pings and desires of wanting to move somewhere else. It was a knowing that in order to expand and grow, I had to leave. But the question was – where the heck do I go? It wasn’t job dependent, as I worked remotely, so I basically had an entire country as an option.

In my search of “where to live”, I stumbled across the term “astrocartography”. Astrocartography, also known as locational astrology or relocation astrology, is the astrology of place. That’s when it first landed on my radar, but I couldn’t seem to find a trusted astrologer who did these types of readings, so I filed it away.

A couple of years later (in 2020), I decided to spread my wings and move to San Diego, CA. I was always drawn to the Pacific Northwest (Oregon and Washington), and I have visited a few times, but I didn’t know if I could handle all that grey and rain (this is important to note, as I’ll talk about this in my next post). So, I told myself I’d treat myself to San Diego, CA for a bit and go from there.

Fast forward to 2022-2023, I kept wondering, “where should I settle down?”. That’s when I saw an astrologer I followed on Instagram post about an astrocartography reading he had! I immediately booked a session with the person he went to.

I was so frustrated after that session for having “wasted my money”, but I wasn’t going to let it keep me down. I did additional research and quickly found someone else who was booked out until October, but I absolutely loved her energy and vibe! So, I booked a session and messaged her on Instagram to be put on a waitlist if anyone cancelled before October. She messages back that she was actually about to open more sessions over the next couple of weeks and BAM! – I grabbed a session for July 11th, 2023.

Little did I know my life was about to change in a massive, yet so peaceful, way.

That second session was the complete opposite of my first experience. It blew me away. Whereas the first astrologist only pulled up my planetary lines, the second astrologist, Helena Woods, pulled up my planetary lines, paran lines, relocated charts and transit timings.

Shortly after the reading, major life events took place as a result of following her recommendations and guidance. I’ll talk about that in my next post.

But this experience showed me that there are so many astrocartography readers out there who aren’t actually using all of the techniques to give people an accurate, full picture view of their best places. It’s scary, because where people are moving, buying a home, looking for love or trying to find career success, is a big deal and not something to be taken lightly!

Helena is such a trusted expert in the field, so thorough and such a magical soul, that I signed up for her Relocation Astrology Certification Course to begin offering readings myself! I wanted to train under a true expert and become certified through a credible source to best serve my clients. Having a locational astrology reading changed my life and I want to help guide you in creating a life you love, too!

To change your life with astrocartography, you can book a session with me here.


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