The Power of Saying "No" - A Practice for Overcoming People Pleasing

Hey there, I’m Shannon, a recovering people pleaser. If you’re here reading this, you might be on a similar journey of learning how to say no, set healthier boundaries, and finally take care of yourself without the guilt. And trust me, I get it—this stuff isn’t easy. But I’m here to help you embrace that inner strength, tap into self-love, and create the kind of relationships you actually want in your life. (P.S. If you’re looking for more ways to work together, check out my offerings here).

A fun practice to do if you’re in the process of overcoming people pleasing tendencies and set healthier boundaries is a practice I like to call a NO! day. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a day where you say “no” to anything that doesn’t align with your needs or desires.

Here’s how it works:

Set aside a day—just one day—to say no to anything that you typically agree to out of obligation, habit, or fear of letting others down. This could be things that drain your energy, take away from your self-care, or simply aren’t serving you. Whether it’s saying no to a dinner invite, no to an obligation you’ve been dreading, or even no to that little voice in your head telling you that you need to please others—it’s about making intentional choices based on what YOU want, not what you feel you have to do.

This practice may feel uncomfortable, especially at first. That discomfort? It’s actually a gift. It’s a sign that there’s something within you that needs attention. Maybe it’s a fear of rejection. Or a belief that you have to be “nice” all the time to be loved. Either way, this discomfort shows us exactly where we need to explore and heal.

It doesn’t have to be a big, grand gesture. A NO! day can look like:

·       Saying no to fear – Maybe it’s saying no to that self-doubt and taking a bold step, like putting yourself out there or pursuing something you’ve been scared to try.

·       Saying no to silence – If something is bothering you, speak up. Maybe you express your feelings to your partner, share your thoughts in a meeting, or advocate for yourself in a way you haven’t before.

·       Saying no to overcommitting – Maybe it’s saying no to going out for drinks when you’re exhausted, or politely declining an invite because you need some rest or time to yourself.

Whatever it is, the point is to honor your own needs first. When you say no to the things that drain or distract you, you open up space for the things that truly bring you joy, peace, and fulfillment.

So… what will you say no to today?

You’ve got this, and I’m cheering you on every step of the way as you break free from the cycle of people-pleasing and start prioritizing yourself. 💪❤️

P.S. Feel free to use me as your excuse because I invited you to try out a No! day 😉 whatever you need to set yourself up for success on this no day.


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