Breaking the Cycle of Self-Sabotaging Relationships
Does this sound familiar? You grew up needing something—maybe it was physical affection, love, or attention—but for whatever reason, it was never really given to you. Now, as an adult, you deeply crave that connection but, because you never learned how to receive or give it, you’re stuck. You want intimacy, you want closeness, but when you get it, you don’t know what to do with it. You don’t know how to nurture it, accept it, or even let it in fully.
You really want that because you have felt the impacts of its absence. But, because you didn’t receive that, you don’t have the tools to create it, receive it, accept it, nourish it. It’s unfamiliar to you.
What a messed up cycle, huh?
This is the root of self-sabotage. Because you want it. But of course you don’t know what to do with it when you do get it or how to cultivate it, because you were never told or shown how to.
This is the root of self-sabotage in relationships. You want the love, the closeness, the warmth, but when it’s offered to you, you can’t embrace it the way you deserve to. You don’t know how because you were never shown. You weren’t taught how to receive the love you were missing.
Here’s how you can start breaking that cycle:
1. Pleeeeease have so much compassion for yourself.
You are not broken. This is just what happens when we are raised in environments where our emotional needs weren’t met or were met in inconsistent ways. You are doing the best you can with what you’ve learned. But now, you get the chance to rewrite that story, to show up for yourself in ways you may have never experienced before. It’s going to take time, and it’s going to take patience, but please, give yourself grace. You deserve it.
2. Vulnerability is key to cultivating deep connection.
In order to experience the kind of love and intimacy you’ve been craving, you need to show up as your true self—authentic, vulnerable, and real. But this is HARD, especially when you’ve spent so much of your life hiding parts of yourself out of fear of judgment, rejection, or punishment. So, start by getting to know yourself. Start by looking inward and asking yourself, What do I want in my relationships? What do I need to feel loved? What am I afraid of? Understanding yourself is the first step toward creating the space to connect in a real, meaningful way.
3. Reflect on your relationships.
Ask yourself, Do I find myself in relationships that feel draining, unfulfilling, or inauthentic? If you’re nodding your head, it’s time to take a deeper look. Why do you stay in those relationships? Are you repeating patterns from your past? Are you settling for less than you deserve? Be honest with yourself, because only when you’re aware of these patterns can you begin to break them.
The truth is, you deserve deep, real connection. You deserve the kind of relationships where you feel seen, heard, and valued. In a world that encourages us to be strong, independent, and self-sufficient, it’s easy to forget that it’s not only okay to want intimacy and community, it’s completely natural and essential. Human beings are made for connection.
So, let yourself want that closeness. Let yourself crave that bond. And when it comes your way, open up. Take a deep breath, and let yourself receive.
You deserve love. You deserve connection.
You are worthy of it all.
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